Hey Friends, I’m Beth.
I’m a wife, a mother to five, and a Bible teacher, speaker, and writer.
I enjoy so many wonderful things about my life, but nothing thrills me more than helping women connect to the heart of God through the Word of God.
“Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.
-Charles Spurgeon
As a 13-year-old girl, I pulled out my Bible on the way home from a church youth trip. God’s Word had a dramatic impact on my heart that day. As we rambled down the road on the church bus, I thought to myself, “These are the most true, important, and life-changing words in the universe. Everyone needs to hear them!” That was the beginning of a personal love for Scripture, and a desire to help others know how God had revealed Himself to us in His Word.
Four years later, I sensed God was calling me to ministry. At the time I had no idea what it would look like, but l I knew that I wouldn’t be satisfied doing anything other than teaching the Bible and leading others to know Him deeply, and follow Him furiously through it.
Looking back over the last twenty something years, I see a common thread: I am never more alive than when I’m teaching Scripture. What began as an undefined calling is now manifested in a speaking, teaching and writing ministry that brings me so much joy.
I hope you’ll poke around my site, and as you do I pray God uses something here to deepen your walk with him.
So much love and affection,