I’ve been reading through the Bible chronologically this past year.
That’s sort of a lie, actually. I started off in Genesis last January, but about the time I hit Job I was in a dark spot emotionally. I couldn’t handle all the catastrophes, and sack cloth and ashes and such, so I skipped on over to the perkier New Testament. I’ve been reading slowly, and I do mean SLOWLY, through the Gospels since then.
I’m currently somewhere in the book of Luke. It’s a humdinger, friends. I don’t know if Luke simply writes in a way I connect with, or if the Holy Spirit has brightened the illumination. Either way, I’ve been learning afresh lately and I wish it could just be this way ALL THE TIME. Know what I mean?
About 10 days ago I read how Jesus choose 72 messengers, gave them authority, and sent them out to do His work. They came back later all fired up about how successful they were. “Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name.” They were totally thrilled with the spiritual power Christ had given them, and enjoyed doing what He enabled them to do.
I can relate. I’ve always thrived on doing the Lord’s work. Sometimes I get downright fearful of not being useful. How often have I begged Him to open doors for me to used of Him? Like those messengers, I enjoy the feeling of seeing spiritual results, of being used in spiritual ways, of being chosen to do a task.
It can be quite the high.
And although Christ didn’t necessarily scold the messengers when they returned for being excited about their success, His response to their jubilation kinda surprised me. After assuring them that, with His power, they could indeed do unimaginable things, he told them this:
“But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.” Luke 10:20
The Lord told them to keep a check on what got them excited. Their greatest joy wasn’t to be their ability to accomplish great things for the Lord. Their greatest joy was to be their place with the Lord.
It hit hard, friends. Because for weeks I had been praying and pining and wondering what God wanted me to DO in the coming year. The truth of His words took all the pressure off. Like, “Dear Beth, stop obsessing over what you are accomplishing or might accomplish. Please focus a little more on the fact that I SAVED YOU and I LOVE YOU and THIS LIFE AND THE NEXT ARE GOING TO BE BIG JOY BECAUSE YOU ARE WITH ME.” -Jesus
Oh, that’s right….The Big Joy doesn’t come from what I’m doing, it comes from Who I’m with.
And He promises I’ll be with Him, every day, through everything, like forever.
Praying each of you are so taken with Jesus this year, that what you accomplish (or don’t accomplish) is no big deal.
PS – I went WAAY over the 15 minute limit.
I love hearing your thoughts!